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  • +251-251-111501
Public Administration & Development Management
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Public Administration & Development Management

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) Program in Public Administration and Development Management is a training program that combines theories and practices in the organization and management of the Public Sector as well as management of development programs and projects. The program intends to impart knowledge and skills in the areas of Public Administration and Development Management by offering various theoretical and practical courses on the concepts, principles, approaches of Public Policy Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation; Public Finance Management; Human Resource Administration, Public Service Delivery; Development Management; New Public Management; Research Methodology; Project Planning and Management; Leadership and other related subfields in Public Administration.

Having saying that, the department has been working to address the critical demand for qualified development-oriented public managers who can work for private, government, local or international organizations. The Department has currently around 60 students in the regular and 18 in the extension program in the undergraduate program. In addition to undergraduate program, the department offer a postgraduate program containing around 12 regular and 140 extension students in two programs (Development Management and Public Policy Studies)

Degree Nomenclature:

The degree offered after successful completion of the program is called “Bachelor of Arts Degree in Public Administration and Development Management”.

Department Contact
  • UG Regular Male :0
  • UG Regular Female : 0
  • MSC Regular Male 0