

ü  To equip midwifery students with solid knowledge of basic, clinical, behavioral, social and public health sciences for optimal care

ü  To equip midwifery students with clinical skills in order to provide effective care for women and their children

ü  To cultivate humanism in midwifery students in order to provide woman-centered compassionate, respectful and caring services

ü  To enable midwifery students to focus on national SRMNCH priorities

ü  To equip midwifery students with public health competencies in order to promote and protect sexual, reproductive and maternal health of women and their families

ü  To equip midwifery students with professional, ethical and legal principles and values for quality and acceptable care

ü  To prepare midwifery students to become health leaders, communicators and educators

ü  To equip midwifery students with the skills and attitude necessary for evidence-based practice and research

ü  To prepare midwifery students for inter-professional collaborative practice

ü  To inculcate in midwives, the ability for lifelong learning

ü  To prepare midwives for postgraduate training