The Academic affairs Vice President
has leadership responsibilities for planning, implementing, supervising,
monitoring, coordinating and reporting the teaching learning activities of the
Dire Dawa University. AVP acts on-behalf of the president in the event the
latter is absent from his duty. AVP also expects to advise, assist and support
the president in the exercise of his responsibilities and Carries out such
other activities which may be specifically entrusted to him by the Board, the
Senate or the President. In assuming these responsibilities, AVP works closely
with Academic Deans, Directors, and other administrators, and members of the
Dire Dawa University (DDU)is one of
the second generation public and autonomous Higher Education Institutions
(HEIs) in Ethiopia established in 2007 academic year by enrolling 754 regular
students in three faculties (Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics,
Faculty of Social Science and language and Faculty of Business and Economics)
in 13 different undergraduate academic programs with 90 teachers and 103
administrative support staff operating with limited facilities. Currently there
are five colleges and 7 directorates under the AVP office.
Colleges under Academic affairs Vice presidents :
Directors under the academic vice presidents:
Due to the decision by the
government of Ethiopia to expand HEI's and huge investment in the sector, the
university has assumed rapid growth both in its infrastructure,
teaching-learning, and research facilities. As a result the academic wing
of the university is re-organized into five colleges and one institute where
the smallest academic units are Departments and Schools comprising one or more
study programs. Hence, it gives me great pleasure to provide you brief
information as to the current status of DDU academic affairs.
DDU offers training in 48
undergraduate, 47 postgraduate (master) programs in its regular, week-end,
summer and distance education programs. Nowadays more than 20,000 students are
currently enrolled in regular, summer and weekend schemes at undergraduate and
postgraduate level. The number of international students is growing rapidly. We
currently have more than 150 international students. In addition to long term
training , DDU academic affairs provides short term capacity building
training for health professions in eastern Ethiopia under
continuous professional development program. We have more than 800 academic staff who are actively engaged
in teaching, research and community service activities.
Dire Dawa University differentiated
as University of Applied Science by ministry of science and higher education
with a focus area in Engineering and technology, Business and economics and
Health science. Universities of applied science provide
tertiary education and grant academic degrees at all levels (85% undergraduate,
15% graduate students, and sometimes professional and work-based doctorate
University of applied science has a mission to train professionals with emphasis on labour market needs and conduct research which support and prompt regional development.
Megersa Kasim(PhD)
Academic Affairs Vice President
Telephone (Mob):+251993440333
Telephone (Office):+251127860