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  • tkelbessa8@gmail.com
  • +2519-11-58-35-15
  • https://www.ddu.edu.et

Tesfaye Kelbessa Bekere

School of Graduate Studies (SGS )directorate

As School of Graduate Studies Dean, it is my pleasure to say you welcome to visit our website.

Dire Dawa University is one of the public universities established in 2007. The mission of the University is to produce competent graduates’ high quality research outputs, provide community service through education, research, training and consultancy, technology adoption and innovation to foster economic development of the nation. As stated in its vision statement, Dire Dawa University aspires to be a premium choice in Ethiopia and among the top ten Applied Science Universities in Africa by 2030. 

In Dire Dawa University, School of Graduate Studies was established as the academic department in the last of ten years. In this ten-year journey, the school of graduate studies playing its own role by graduating a large number of students in its more than 20 programs to deploying educated man power to the economy and development sector by considering Dire Dawa University mission, vision, and value to take post graduate students from year to year in regular, weekend, evening and summer programs. 

Now days, School of Graduate Studies is an academic body that oversees all academic activities related to graduate programs in academic chairs/departments and schools/colleges. School of Graduate Studies would like to contribute a lot for better achievement of the Dire Dawa University vision by making the graduate training well integrated with research and community services. School of Graduate Studies tries to discharge its contribution for quality and relevant education by integrating the overall activities of graduate programs in the respective colleges/institute/departments. It also helps graduate programs to be well organized, to have clear accountability and better communication system. To make the graduate program effective and pertinent, school of graduate studies is expected to observe all parameters of quality and relevance by establishing uniform system across all colleges/institutes of the university.  

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