

·  To equip anesthesia professionals with solid knowledge of biomedical science, clinical and public health practice

·    Prepare anesthesia students to assess and optimize patients with co-morbidity for surgery and anesthesia

·  Prepare anesthesia students in providing individualized anesthesia clinical care using an individualized anesthesia management plan.

·    Equip anesthesia students on the management of patients with multiple Co-existing diseases using the existing scientific knowledge

·  Enable anesthesia students to practice professionally on all levels of anesthesia clinical care setting

·     Train anesthesia students in developing professional communication skills in dealing with patients, patient families, and other health professionals

·   Prepare the anesthesia students to participate in conducting and utilizing relevant research findings

·    Train anesthesia students to apply evidence-based Anesthesia clinical care practice

·  Train the anesthesia student in practical skills based on a theoretical foundation

·        Equip the anesthesia students with leadership and management skills

·      Equip anesthesia students with critical thinking and decision-making skills which lead to reflective and responsible practice

·    Equip anesthesia students with knowledge and skill in emergency and critical care which help them to handle critically ill patients

·      Prepare anesthesia students for post-graduate studies