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  • muhesofi@yahoo.com
  • +251 -911-0151-98

Mohammed Kaso (PhD)

Research publication, Documentation and Dissemination

One amongst the missions of higher education institutions in Ethiopia is to produce demand driven researches, technologies and innovations. Dire Dawa University (DDU), one of the higher education intuitions, which is among second generation universities and now categorized as applied Science University. DDU is striving for excellence by setting the vision “Dire Dawa University aspires to be a premium choice in Ethiopia and among the top ten Applied Science Universities in Africa by 2030”.  In this regard, Dire Dawa University has been focusing on problem solving as well as innovative technologies and researches, which satisfy societal demands and solve their social problem through research and community service. 

The RPDD Directorate Office was established in February 2021, to facilitate the publication, documentation and dissemination of the research outputs to societies and scientific communities. The office is mainly accountable for overall coordination, facilitation and the monitoring the publication, documentation and disseminations of the DDU funded research out puts. The office will also strive to work on organizing and facilitating seminars, workshops, panel discussions, trainings, conferences, public lectures and research output exhibition.  

Major Duties and Responsibilities of the Directorate Office

ü  Publications of research outputs in the form of proceedings, book of abstract, translations, research monographs, periodicals, special issues in Harla Journals and other national and international reputable indexed Journals 

ü  Establishing and managing publication and printing house   

ü  Dissemination of research outputs including indigenous research works to community via seminar presentations, workshop, projects, conferences, exhibition, language translations, policy briefs, press release, website, mass media and social media

ü  Establishing research resource center and facilitating its linkage with national and international research data resources to make easily to access users

ü  Documentation and archive of the completed researches and published article in data base 

Team-leader under Directorate

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