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  • danymar.m4@gmail.com
  • +251911342944

Daniel Mamo (PhD)

Quality Enhancement and Program Directorate

The directorate, QEAPAD in short, consists of three units, namely, curriculum Development and

Review Expert, professional (teachers) development Coordinator and Academic Program Affairs

Officer. The aim of QEAPAD is to enhance the effectiveness of one of the University’s core activities-teaching learning. The Directorate helps improve the quality of the teaching learning process at the University. The directorate works on various issues to ensure that the quality of the teaching learning is improved. Some of the activities it conducts to improve the quality of education is firstly to help departments design a curriculum for a program after making sure that there is demand for the program through the need assessment conducted and approved at various levels within the university. Moreover, it actively engages in the selection, employment and development of its staff. Vacancy announcements for new positions will be announced after close scrutiny is conducted as to the need and kind of professional required. Once the need is established, the directorate works to ensure that selection and employment of high caliber instructors based on the instructor recruitment & development guideline. After instructors are employed they are required to take a 3/4 days induction program. Those with second degrees will be encouraged to attend HDP training while first degree holders, unless there is staff shortage, are encouraged to go for further education. Moreover, training on topics such as quality concepts, student centered teaching, assessment and others for those selected from all departments will be given. Further, class progress follow-up will be done by quality coordinators, and academic program officer.

Moreover it carries out various quality enhancement activities such as satisfaction surveys, impact assessments, program and institutional evaluations. Also, it conducts when necessary, follow-up or monitoring visits to see if the recommendations forwarded during program or institutional evaluations are implemented or not.


Among others, the directorate is responsible to:

•  Coordinate and monitors the development and implementation of academic quality Enhancement internal system (strategies and procedures) that shall be continuously improved.

•  Ensure appropriate guidance and support for university quality enhancement procedures, policies and strategies.

•  Develop University level quality standard, undertake academic quality audit on periodic basis, follow up and rectify the deficiencies revealed by the audit, maintain appropriate documentation of the audit and submit such a document regularly to VPAA.

•  Overview and facilitates the management of external academic quality audits and similar events.

•  Represent the University regarding quality enhancement and academic program design to external bodies.

• Provide/facilitate training/awareness workshops regarding academic quality enhancement/assurance procedures, policies and strategies to the University’s academic staffs.

•  Conduct need assessments so as to design new programs or to review the existing Undergraduate & post graduate programs with teams in the respective schools on annual bases.

•  Conduct impact assessment to terminate or maintain all programs.

Undertake & guide activities of curricular development, updating/revisions and implementation of same by the school/college/institute.

Quality Enhancement & Academic Programs Affairs Directorate has the following professionals. 

2.    Dr. Ashenafi Tesfaye

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor

Position: Academic Programs Officer

Email: tesfaye.ashenaf@gmail.com

Phone: +251911781457

3.      Mr. Mintesinot Bogale

Academic Rank: Lecturer

Position: Teachers Development Coordinator

Email: mintesinotbogale440@gmail.com

Phone: +251920690700

4.      Mr. Hailu Kissi

Academic Rank: Lecturer

Position: Curriculum Development & Review Expert

Email: hayu1976@gmail.com

Phone: +251921187759


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